Fade Resistance

Columbia School of Journalism & The Brown Institute

Fade Resistance seeks to restore the narrative impact of thousands of found African American polaroid photographs and to fill a representational gap in the history of American snapshot photography.

Through the development of an interactive archive and storytelling platform, Fade Resistance invited viewers to interact with the collection of images through the organization and narrative arrangement of these images. This digital archive drew writers, photographers and historians who helped create stories and meaning of self-representation. GDC presented the project at the annual Photography, Expanded Symposium at the New School, New York and designed an exhibition of the printed archive in Toronto, Canada.

Ideas & Insights Design Digital Solutions Activations & Installations

Fade Resistance
Fade Resistance
Fade Resistance
Fade Resistance
Fade Resistance
Fade Resistance
Fade Resistance
Fade Resistance
Fade Resistance
Fade Resistance